Ridge Top Gathering Place
Cashton, Wisconsin
The Barn & Property
Our beautiful rustic barn overlooks a picturesque landscape of open fields and rolling hills, making it the perfect location for any occasion!
At 2,500 sq.ft, it’s large enough to hold 175 guests and the newly built 16 x 72 deck can accommodate another 75! The yard is spacious enough for tents to accommodate larger parties. It's not just a wedding barn... it features a custom bar, and a licensed bartender is provided for all gatherings at our event center.
Other features include:
• Large, open property with multiple
indoor/outdoor sites for ceremonies, dinners,
cocktails, lawn games & more!
• Multiple locations to take breathtaking photos
• Restrooms with private Bridal Suite
• Beautiful sunsets and ridge top views
• On-site parking
• Handicap accessibility

About Us

Brad & Vanessa Pellegrini are owners of Ridge Top Gathering Place.
"We enjoy planning and hosting parties and have done so for years. We moved here in 2006 and have hosted many of our own events here on the property, including our own wedding reception in 2011."
"With great enthusiasm and response from our guests, we wanted to be able to share this property and our knowledge and resources with others."
And it was then that the Ridge Top Gathering Place was born!

Preferred Vendors
The following businesses are of no affiliation of RTGP, LLC. We cannot attest to any qualities of service/product, credential, legalities, etc. It is a source for you to get started!

Contact Us
Ridge Top Gathering Place
27828 Neptune Rd Cashton WI 54619
Telephone: 608-693-0016
Tentative Opening the First Week in May, 2023! Pizza Nights Start June 2nd.
(Bar Closed if Privately Booked, Check our Facebook page for Dates, or our Event Page)
Showings available year-round by appointment